Rainbow Dragonfly Card

Hello everyone,

Hope you’ve all have a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. It’s lovely but today I’m thankful I live in a stone cottage and can cool off easily. Today’s card was inspired by the watercolour pencils. I was playing around creating rainbow in various patterns across watercolour paper and my favourite result was this rainbow stripe.


I didn’t want to detract too much from the lovely rainbow effect so I chose to just use Basic Black ink and minimal stamping. The dragonfly is actually stamped twice as the first time he was very faint as I forgot to do the tap, tap, twist motion with the archival ink. Although with the photopolymer stamps this was really easy to do.

The leaves are from the Falling Flowers stamp set as I wanted a bold outlined leaf shape and this was perfect. I’ve not chosen a sentiment for this card as I think it could work for many occasions and doesn’t need anything else adding.

Happy Crafting

Joanne x

Night of Navy & Mint Macaron Friendship card for #GDP081

Today I’m joining in with the colour challenge over at Global Deign Project , this months colour scheme was Night of Navy, Whisper White and one other colour of our own choice. I really wanted to branch out and use a different colour by my lovely Mint Macaron was calling to me so I chose that as my third colour. Here is my card:


Admittedly its not the best photo, any tips on how to reduce shadows very appreciated. The bow is maybe a little out of proportion with the rest of the card but I kind of like how it dominates.

The greeting comes from Painters Palette and all the floral details were stamped from Falling Flowers. The flower and leaves were cut from May Flowers, a die set I’m crossing my fingers doesn’t make it on the retirement list for this year.

I’ve had fun with this challenge and I’m hoping to join in more in the future. If you’d like to join in with this weeks challenge the pop across and visit Global Design Project by clicking here.

Thank you for stopping by.

Happy Crafting

Joanne x