Rococo Rose Tasteful Touches Flower Card

Rococo Rose cardstock may have already sold out but Fliry Flamingo could be a good alternative if you want to case this card. I’ve used the Tasteful Touches stamp set and die set and gone for a vintage type card today.

The background paper come from the In Good Taste DSP pack and this is one of my favourite sheets in the pack as I love the look of this woven cotton fabric effect, perfect for that vintage feel.

I’ve stamped the flower twice to layer it up and give a 3D effect. I’ve brushed over it with Wink of Steller to give the flower a lovely glittery touch.

I’ve added a few stamped Pear Pizzazz springs to the background paper to add some grounding to my flower and greeting.

Happy Crafting

Joanne x


Simple Encouragement Card with Tasteful Touches

Today I’m sharing a simple card made with the Tasteful Touches stamp set, Tasteful Labels dies and the In Good Taste DSP. I’m glad this paper is carrying over as its full of really useful designs for backgrounds or elements as I’ve used here. It’s also got twenty sheets in the pack so I have plenty left to use up.

The Tasteful Touches stamp set it one which can appeal to everybody, to I’ve paired it with Night of Navy and a touch of Seaside Spray for a masculine feel.

I cut out four of the large circles from the paper and two from cardstock to stamp a greeting and extra pattern. Then simply overlapped them down one side of the card. The circle with the greeting on is stuck down with Stampin’ Dimensionals to raise it up slightly.

I then finished the card with three Night of Night Rhinestones from the Holiday collection.

This card is for my son as he’s been working really hard on his maths and swimming since going back to school and I wanted him to know how proud we are of him.

Happy Crafting

Joanne x
